Rafal StepnowskiRafal Stepnowski

Director of Government Affairs at Boeing


Rafal Stepnowski for over 3 decades is active as an international entrepreneur, executive and academic.
Since 2007 he is CEO of Jeppesen Poland a Boeing Company and recently took Director of Government Affairs for Boeing International CEE position.

He is a co-founder of C-Map Poland (established 1993), which was acquired by Boeing and integrated into Jeppesen in 2007. Rafal co-formed 3 individuals venture and over time scaled up to a highly successful and multidisciplinary Jeppesen unit of over 700 professionals located in Gdansk and Rzeszow, focused on aviation navigation data analytics, software development, research and engineering, incl. Boeing AvionX. This location is now one of central to strategic growth of global Boeing Digital. It is also the biggest single Boeing site in EU.
His previous experience includes working in global telecom and IT (AT&T, Lucent Technologies, IFS).

Rafal Stepnowski holds a Master of Science degree in Economics from University of Gdansk (UG) and a MBA from Technology University of Gdansk (TUG).
He is a founder and Chairman of Jeppesen Foundation, NGO focused on organized support and promotion of wellbeing for all generations.
He serves as an invited professor at MBA and programs in the field of Strategy. He was a member of the TUG Advisory Board at the Faculty of Management and Economics. He is a member of Board of Experts at UG Faculty of Economics and Vice President of Gdansk Business Club.
In addition to Polish and English, Rafal speaks Spanish, Russian, Italian and Mandarin.
He is also an active music producer with number of jazz and contemporary music festivals organized. Rafal competes in triathlon, running and long distance swimming

Takes part in

Mar, 18 11:00 AM CET
Visionary Stage
Panel Discussion

Cultural Traditions vs Best GR Practices: How to Avoid Conflicts and Advance Interests?

  • What to do if local competitors use questionable tactics and circumvent national law
  • How to succeed while maintaining the highest ethical standards
  • How to make sure that local teams of global players are not hiddenly playing “dirty” games

Rafal Stepnowski Director of Government Affairs at Boeing
Milly Doolan Managing Director at EuroNavigator, Head of Public Policy at Croatian Artificial Intelligence Association (CroAI)
Yuriy Sak Partner, Director of Special Projects at CFC Big Ideas
Weronika Kuna Government Affairs Lead at Microsoft Poland