
How are Policy-Makers in CEE Using Social Media and What It Means for GR Professionals

March 19, 2021 3:00 PM CET BACK TO HOME
Until relatively recently, social media was not seen as a core advocacy channel by most GR professionals in CEE, but that attitude is changing fast.

In his presentation, Ben Petter, Grayling’s Chief Operating Officer in Europe, will reveal the results of a pan-European research project conducted by Grayling into how members of parliament across Europe — including 9 CEE countries — are using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. He will compare the trends we are seeing in CEE versus those in Western Europe, and explore how gender, age and party alignment affect social media use.

He will also offer some suggestions for how deeper social media analysis can be used to enrich the ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘when’ of GR campaigns across the region.

Ben Petter Chief Operating Officer, Europe at Grayling